Kenton Johnson
Kent Johnson, a respected receiver and banker, applies 40 years of experience and proven processes to resolve problem commercial loans, real estate loans and real estate projects. He has been appointed receiver in Federal District Court regulatory actions and in State Court real estate and business asset recovery actions involving wide-ranging asset classes. He also has been appointed referee of commercial real estate partition actions and has been a senior member of dozens of receivership teams operating in both federal and state courts for regulatory, real estate, and commercial litigation.
Kent’s broad experience spans real estate classes including residential, multifamily, commercial, and industrial facilities, and industries including residential and commercial development, manufacturing, contracting, health care, shopping centers, and wholesale distribution.
Prior to joining Stapleton Group, Kent served as Executive Vice President at Robb Evans & Associates for over 13 years. He was responsible for marketing assets, negotiating and approving sale terms, and obtaining court approvals. Kent began his career in banking and served as chief credit officer, banking administrator and president of independent banks. Kent’s diverse background also includes loan and asset resolution, real estate evaluation, due diligence and real property disposition.