Tag | receivership

Lenders – Book a Return of Capital from Hotel Debtors


As the Pandemic’s strong grip gets tighter and tighter, we have been fielding a lot of calls from lenders with hotel debtors. How can they recoup their principal when the courts are swamped and travel restrictions persist? Move Fast (the opposite of COVID-time) In our two decades of professional experience representing lenders with troubled loans, […]

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Resuscitating Troubled Healthcare Companies


Resuscitating Troubled Healthcare Companies As receivers and turnaround consultants, our engagements span a variety of industries.  Lately, we have been getting more calls from banks and attorneys about troubled healthcare companies.  With the healthcare industry comprising 18% of GDP (Statista), and healthcare companies often lacking sophisticated management systems, we expect this trend to continue. Recent Healthcare Results […]

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The Receivership Obstacle Course


Owning the Obstacle Course The death knell for a leading specialty e-commerce company was its failure to face its obstacles head-on.  Management didn’t reduce operating expenses in line with an industry-wide downturn in sales.  Lengthy litigation with its lender depleted cash flow, resulting in a bankruptcy filing that was dismissed.  The bank sought the appointment […]

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Oil & Gas Glut Yields Deals and Recoveries


Right-sizing, Refinancing & Selling Oil & Gas Companies The precipitous drop in oil prices from January 2014 to January 2016 and continued suppressed pricing has turned countless companies upside-down.  At Stapleton Group, we are right-sizing, refinancing and selling oil & gas producers and their service vendors to achieve the best possible recoveries for lenders and […]

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Another Successful Receivership Sale


A car dealership that isn’t open for business is a big problem for the dealership’s lender.  Every day, the bank’s collateral is guaranteed to decline in value.  When our bank-client faced this dilemma in Northern California, we recovered 70% of the bank’s outstanding balance despite a convoluted process of receivership and bankruptcy filings. Receiver → […]

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