Private Fiduciary – Trustee

The Bottom Line:
An elderly client with a multi-million dollar estate is enjoying his twilight years with Stapleton Group overseeing money management, taxes and asset management as his private fiduciary-trustee. Upon appointment as trustee, Stapleton collaborated with the trustor, counsel and beneficiaries to quickly resolve wealth distribution pursuant to the client’s revocable trust, outstanding litigation and tax issues.
The Business Issue:
The trust faced complex issues that the trustor could not resolve on his own.
Genesis of Stapleton’s Engagement:
The trustor’s counsel recommended hiring Stapleton Group to ensure professional management of the substantial trust.
Obstacles and Stapleton’s Solutions:
- Trustor lacked a team of experienced professionals collaborating to maximize his financial opportunities.
- Stapleton assembled a team of professionals, including a money management firm, tax lawyer and accountant, to build a cohesive strategy.
- The team developed and implemented a strategy to maximize the trustor’s returns on invested capital with consideration to minimizing tax consequences in the short and long terms.
- Stapleton represents the on-going best interests of the trustor and his trust.
- Prior year tax returns needed to be amended in order to preserve certain tax strategies.
- Stapleton worked with an accountant, tax lawyer and the trustor to amend the return quickly.
- The trustor’s real estate assets needed to be properly maintained and leased to quality tenants.
- Stapleton changed the locks, secured new tenants and insured the properties.
- Stapleton’s in-house construction supervision staff resolved significant deferred maintenance at one property, thereby increasing its value and optimizing its utilization.