Receivership News: Ransom! The Unfortunate New Normal
Published on October 14, 2021
Jake Diiorio‘s article, “Ransom! The Unfortunate New Normal: Cybersecurity Considerations for Fiduciaries,” was published in Receivership News, Fall 2021 by the California Receivers Forum.
Here’s a preview of the article:
“The Order was signed a week ago. When your team arrived onsite and turned on the controller’s computer, they were greeted with a skull-and-crossbones themed message:
“Your files have been encrypted. You must pay a ransom of $100,000 within 48 hours to regain access to your files. To restore your system email and include your new Account ID Aug2021_246 in the subject line. Payment instructions will be provided.”
This article summarizes why the threat of ransomware has become commonplace, the serious impacts of deficient IT security, and emerging best practices to protect a
company from falling victim.”